Do you find it difficult to pay off your credit card debt due to the high interest accruing? If that’s the case, the Citi Simplicity card offers 0% APR for 21 months on balance transfers as well as purchases, giving its cardmembers the opportunity to save some money while paying off new and existing balances. Additionally with a generous introductory APR period, the Citi Simplicity credit card will not charge any late fees or revoke or raise your 0% APR when you make late payments or mistakenly exceed your available line of credit. With the purchasing power of the MasterCard, this card has no annual or hidden fees either. The bottomline is, if you’re searching for an uncomplicated balance transfer card, the Citi Simplicity Card is the option that gives its members true peace of mind.
Key Features:
- 0% Intro APR for 21 months on purchases and balance transfers. Then, a variable APR of 16.99% for everything from purchases to cash advances.
- 3% Balance Transfer Fee.
- No Annual Fee.
- 24/7 No Wait Time for live help.
- Peace of Mind through direct access to a service representative, no late fees and no penalty rate.
Again, cardholders won’t have any surprise rate hikes or late fees whether you accidentally miss a payment or exceed your credit limit. You will get live, 24/7 help to speak to a representative with no waiting. The Citi Simplicity is perfect for those looking to do a balance transfer. You want to do a balance transfer especially if you have high interest rate spread across several credit cards. With 21 months of 0% APR on balance transfers, you’ll have plenty of time to get that balance paid off before the APR of 12.99% – 21.99% (Variable) comes into play.
This card truly lives up to its name; its goal is to keep usage and repayment as simple as possible. If you’re aiming to eliminate credit card balances or make a large purchase without accumulating any interest, the Citi Simplicity card is undoubtedly one of the best cards to get.
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