Are you interested in an opportunity to make some extra cash as the holiday season approaches? A new bonus by a local bank will do just that. KeyBank is offering new customers in select states a $150 bonus for opening a personal checking account between now and Friday, October 21. To be eligible for this bonus, you must open a qualified account (there are 5 different types of personal checking accounts that qualify you for this bonus) before the deadline and meet a couple of other requirements regarding purchases or payments and deposits. This offer is only available to residents in the following states: AK, CO, CT, ID, IN, KY, ME, MI, NY, OH, OR, UT, VT, and WA,
How to receive your $150 bonus:
1.) Go to the KeyBank website and sign up for a qualified personal checking account using the promo code ONFT0711
2.) Make 10 payments and/or purchases every month for the first 3 months of account opening
3.) Make 3 direct deposits of $500 or more within the first 3 months of account opening
This offer is only available online, so get it while you can! Don’t waste any more time — register and get your $150 bonus today.
More bank bonuses are available to you
Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express 50,000 Bonus Points
The New Business Gold Rewards Card® from American Express OPEN offers 50,000 Membership Rewards bonus points after you spend $10,000 in the first 5 months. That’s about $2K per month in spending. The 50,000 points may be redeemed for 50,000 frequent flier miles, enough for 2 flight tickets or $500 in gift cards. There is no annual fee for the first year, a savings of $175.
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