In this tight economy, who wouldn’t desire to cut costs where they’re able to? An excellent place to begin is to quit paying high interest charges on your credit card. Citi Platinum Select MasterCard is the ideal card for those with good credit and are looking for a 0% offer for balance transfers and purchases. Currently, the introductory rate is a long 21 months for balance transfers as well as purchases. Before you decide to apply, however, be aware that this credit card includes a 3% balance transfer fee that is paid up front and will be part of the balance on your new Citi card. As with all balance transfer fee, be sure the amount of the charge is less than the amount of interest you would continue to pay on the current card. It should also be noted that this card does not have any annual fee and charges a competitively low variable interest rate for purchases following the promotional period. So if you have a large balance on a high interest credit card, or if you intend to purchase a big-ticket item, the Citi Platinum Select is particularly suitable.
Key Features:
- 0% Intro APR on balance transfers and purchases for 21 months. After that, the variable APR will be 11.99%-21.99% based upon your creditworthiness.
- No Annual Fee
- 3% Balance Transfer Fee. For each balance transfer, you need to pay 3% of the amount you transfer as fees, or $5 minimum.
- Virtual Account Numbers. Unique to Citi, this feature makes using your card online safer by allowing you to create a virtual substitute account number that lets you to shop online that makes it impossible for anyone to steal your account information over the internet. This feature is excellent if you’re the type who likes to delve into the world of online retail.
- Online Discounts with Extra Cash from Citi
If you’re in the marketplace for a new card that offers 0% introductory APR on purchases and balance transfers, consider the Citi Platinum Select MasterCard featuring no annual fee and extremely generous introductory APR period.
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