This one is for all those who are frequenting Lowe’s as of late. If you’re looking for some additional cash to add to your home or to help cover the cost of improvements, take a look at this offer from American Express. The card company is currently offering a $40 credit to those who make a one-time purchase at Lowe’s for $200 or more. This is meant specifically for American Express business card holders, but you can register your card on the American Express website and still be eligible for the credit.
To receive your credit, simply follow these steps:
- Visit the American Express Platinum registration page and register your credit card
- Make a one-time purchase at Lowe’s for $200 or more before November 15, 2011
- Look for your $40 credit within the next 2 billing cycles!
To be eligible for this credit, your name must the one on the card registration. Only 1 card may be used for this offer. Remember, your card must be registered AND you must make your $200 purchase before November 15, 2011. This offer ends in just 2 weeks, so register your card today and get your bonus!
Find other great credit card bonuses and bank bonuses in your area!
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