Are you a business owner looking for a charge card with the flexibility to pay your balance on your own schedule however with no interest or penalties? The Plum Card from American Express OPEN is a unique charge card with no pre-set spending limit that gives you payment flexibility every month by permitting one to either pay completely and also be rewarded or to defer your payments interest-free. When you use your card, you can earn a 1.5% discount on eligible purchases whenever you pay the account balance entirely within 10 days of the statement closing date; this discount will appear as a credit on the next statement. However, it’s also possible to choose to take two months to pay your full balance without interest if you pay 10% of your balance by the “Please Pay By” date on your statement and the other 90% by the closing date of your next billing cycle. Moreover, enjoy other unique benefits like choosing when your billing cycle ends (at the beginning, middle, or end of the month to best suit your business needs) for even more cash flow flexibility. Don’t forget, with the Plum Card, you also enjoy all the American Express OPEN cardmembership perks such as rental car loss and damage insurance, roadside assistance, travel insurance, along with a plethora of automatic online saving discounts with participating partners.
Key Features:
- Pay early and save. Earn a 1.5% discount by paying your full balance within 10 days of your statement closing date
- No penalty or interest charges. Take up to 2 months from your statement closing date to pay your new balance in full, without penalties or interest. Just make an initial payment of at least 10% of your balance.
- No pre-set spending limit.
- Flexibility. Select when your monthly billing cycle ends.
- OPEN Savings program: Automatic business discounts of 3% to 10% on partners, including FedEx, Hertz and more
- Tools to manage and monitor your spending
- Business protection, personalized service and support.
- $0 introductory annual fee for the first year, then $185
If your business has a revenue of at least 6 figures annually and are needing a charge card that has a flexible and rewarding repayment schedule, the Plum Card from American Express OPEN is definitely a great option. Apply today!
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