Have you noticed the number of increasing bank fees lately? If you’re like most bank customers, you have. Many of the customers from large banks across the country that have noticed are deciding to look elsewhere for their banking needs. This has created the perfect storm for several smaller banks and credit unions to swoop in and save the day — or at least help customers save a little more money. But what banks and credit unions should we look to for our checking needs? Who provides the greatest return on our money? Let’s find out.
1.) Apple Federal Credit Union: 2.00% — Located in Fairfax, Virginia, this credit union has a very healthy rating and also has a savings rate that is five times the national average.
2.) Alliant Credit Union: 1.10% — One of the largest credit unions in the country, Alliant is headquartered in Chicago and offers its customers a savings rate of four times the national average.
3.) Incredible Bank: 1.06% — This is a division of River Valley Bank and is an internet-only bank. Their biggest appeal is their high-yield checking account, available to anyone in the country with an internet connection.
4.) American Bank: 1.00% — Headquartered in Allentown, Pennsylvania, this bank serves those in the Northeast as well as customers across the United States. This bank also boasts a healthy 5-star bank rating.
5.) Community Bank of Pleasant Hill: 0.85% — By far the smallest bank on this list, Community Bank has only 11 employees and 1 location. At only 5 years old, this bank has a healthy 5-star rating.
While everyone is looking for more ways to save money, some may not have thought of switching banks to avoid unnecessary fees. Taking a look at these 5 banks, though, can potentially offer a little more breathing room when looking at your budget each month. Check them out today or take a look at other bank bonuses available to you!
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